
Showing posts from March, 2022

3 Ways You Can Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Climate change is not a minor concern anymore, and it has become more than imperative for everyone to rethink their carbon footprint and energy consumption in today’s time. The good thing is that every individual can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect the environment. It all depends on their activities, including what they buy and how they use and consume. A change as small as installing a small-scale modular fuel cell can leave a significant impact on an individual’s, home’s, or organization’s carbon footprint. Here we have put together a few ways on carbon footprint reduction.  Switch to electricity generators Modular fuel cell units work wonders in cutting carbon emissions and are well suited for residential and commercial applications. As the power is produced on-site, it reduces the loss of electricity due to transportation in the power grid. The small-scale modular fuel cell unit makes power day and night regardless of weather conditions, and it can be installed in h...